To request a return or refund, simply reach out to us via Contact Us form. Make sure to submit your request within 14 days from the date of purchase. When contacting us, please provide a clear explanation of your reason for the return or refund and attach any relevant documents for our investigation.
We aim to process return and refund requests within 7 working days and will notify you of the outcome via email, call, or WhatsApp. Please note that it may take an additional 5-7 days for the refunded amount to appear in your account.
Please understand that we do not accept returns or refunds for change of mind. However, items can be returned if they meet the following conditions:
1. The received item is wrong, damaged, or expired.
2. The received item is in its original condition.
3. The received item is complete and comes with original tags and labels attached (if applicable).
4. Items must not fall under one of these categories:
- Medication
- Hygiene-sensitive products
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