Health Screening
- What are the operating hours for health screening?
- How long does it take to complete a health screening?
- Can I add additional tests?
- Can I change my appointment date after making a booking?
- Where is the nearest DA Clinic I can visit for my health screening?
- Do I need to fast before my health screening?
- Is non-fasting screening reliable and accurate for diabetes screening?
- Is non-fasting screening reliable and accurate for measuring cholesterol levels?
- What do I need to prepare before the day of my health screening?
- What do I need to bring for my health screening appointment?
- Can I proceed with my health screening if I am unwell?
- Can I do a health screening after recovering from Covid-19?
- How are the urine and stool samples collected?
- Can I book a vaccination on the same day of my health screening in the clinic?
- Which imaging centre can I go to complete the imaging (i.e. x-rays, ultrasounds etc.) for the health screening package that I booked?
- When and how will I receive my health screening results?
- How will the doctor review my health screening results with me?